MamaKat will succeed yet again with making me cry before I am done writing for one of her prompts. Just thinking of the 5 prompts makes me get a little teary eyed...but here I go, I'm choosing "Open letter to new Moms."
Dear New Mom,
I don't know if you are married, single, divorced, or widowed. Or even if the father of your precious little son or daughter will play a part in your child's life. But first and foremost I will begin this all with one simple statement. While you are considering the many, many needs of that little person, do not forget the needs of yourself in the process. Above all else, you need to be happy and healthy in order for your little boy or girl to be the same.
You are completely responsible for another human being, while at the same time you are also responsible for yourself and your own actions, or worse, your own inaction. Your perspective will be completely different, toss the idea of having an uninterrupted coffee right out that window Missy! It's totally worth it to be able just to sit in a rocker with them, holding them, rocking them, and enjoying that newborn smell while it lasts. Believe me, it doesn't last for too long! They are walking, talking and throwing food at the dog before you know it!
Many families have made the following mistake, myself included. Do not feel as though you have to keep up with the Jones' in order to have a happy child. The economy is changing and money is already tight. If you have cable, cancel it! It is ok if you never get to Disneyland. Are having cable or going to Disneyland really needs? The sooner you and your child understand that needs come way before wants, the happier you both will be! I've found that walks in the stroller not only help soothe a crying baby, but myself as well! Going camping in your own backyard, when your child is older of course, is a blast! There are many things you can do with your child that either are free or costs very little and will give you more for the things you and your child need. Debt is not worth it just to feed into greedy pleasures!
In close, just be happy with your child, laugh as often as you can! But, don't forget that you are human too, when you are ready, get a sitter and take a nice relaxing 2 or 3 hour break. You will be so glad that you did!
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